
2024 Mobile Trends Guide

Our Mobile Trends Guide is filled with insights, statistics, and actionable strategies that empower associations to elevate member engagement and retention rates using the latest mobile trends. Fostering meaningful engagement and reinforcing security enhancements are important for non-profit associations!

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Comparison Worksheet

Shopping for a new mobile app? Download this workbook to objectively compare your options. It comes pre-loaded with feature lists that are relevant and you can add additional criteria per your needs.

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How it works

mosaic apps demo

A successful app needs to provide personalized content to users, including recommendations for content, forums, events and networking opportunities. Use marketing and automation workflows to promote and maximize app adoption.

Discover how it works

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it normally take to implement a mosaic app and what will I need to do for the process?

The typical implementation process takes 8-12 weeks depending on your involvement in the process. Your involvement includes: providing some information in the beginning so we know how your app needs to be set up and several rounds of testing.

Will changes to my mosaic app have to be completed by mosaic staff?

mosaic apps are designed to be primarily self-serviced through our web-based Admin Portal. Your mosaic app will be set up to automatically pull in as much data as possible from your AMS or other sources. The majority of other changes to the app can be done by your staff in the Admin Portal.

What coding language are the mosaic apps written in?

mosaic apps are written in the native languages for the respective platforms: Objective c/Swift for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android. This provides for the best user experience keeping designs consistent across both platforms for consistency in marketing and communications.

How often will my mosaic app be upgraded?

At mosaic apps, we cultivate an ongoing development schedule, often based on suggestions from our clients, and aim to update all our clients 2-3 times per year. This allows to provide all our clients with new features and functionality along with the most current designs.

As a mosaic client, is there an option for onsite support for my products?

Yes, mosaic apps will happily provide one of our knowledgeable staff as an onsite support person at your event. Fees will be based on the number of hours needed onsite.

Let’s Chat! We will be with you every step of the way to make your mosaic apps a success.